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What is the commodity metals price index?

The Commodity Metals Price Index, which includes commonly traded metals such as copper, aluminium, iron ore, tin, nickel, zinc and lead, is up by around 30% over the past year. The peak of the commodity super cycle was in 2011, when raw materials such as iron ore reached record highs.

What is metals market index (MMI)?

Metals Market Index "MMi" is a price reporting agency "PRA", based in Singapore, specializing in compiling and publishing spot price benchmarks for commodity markets around the world. It is an impartial organization with no involvement in the production or trading of commodities. MMi applies a

What is the metals & minerals price index?

The Metals & Minerals Price Index is an indicator used to analyze metal prices. This indexed indicator is a weighted average of aluminum, copper, irone ore, lead, nickel, tin, and zinc prices. This commodity index reached a peak in 2008 during the recession. Weighted average of aluminum, copper, irone ore, lead, nickel, tin, and zinc prices.

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